Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Looking a little blue...............................

Blue styrofoam insulation is attached to the metal studs because metal is too strong of a conductor of heat & cold.
On the exterior cement fiber board is placed over the blue board to receive the stone.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Nearly framed in.......................

Under the future "living roof" an arched opening separates the kitchen from my office.
The chimney for the wood burning stove is sheathed in cement fiber board to receive stone.
By walking across the living roof you reach the attic over the left side of the house. Inside, I can bring plants during the winter. The skylights crank open & have screens for nicer weather days.
We've switched to wood framing for the attic areas since continuing the steel framing get time consuming & expensive. If termites ever make it that far, they deserve a treat.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Oh, deer.................................

Our cast iron friend has now been moved to Harris County.
Bar joists have been set in place, awaiting the metal decking for the living roof.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Progress continues.......................

The roof is almost fully framed over the " car porch".
Stairs in the tower are roughed in.
By walking across the "living roof" you can enter an attic space. I'll probably use it as a greenhouse & workshop. It will have an operable skylight
From the upstairs bedrooom window, you feel as if you're up in the trees.