Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Roof framing begins......................

The ridge beam & rafters are placed over the left wing
of the house.
I'm working on the earth berm against my office wall.
Piers for the rear deck are ready for the synthetic stone.
Beneath the deck will be the barrels that store captured rainwater from the roof.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Preparing for earth berm.....................

In front of my studio is an earth berm, ending at about desktop height. Here it is waterproofed & backfilled.

The cardboard from the waterproofing is recycled at our local Goodwill facility.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Beam me up........................

The Great Room ceiling joists are in place. So are the beams which will support the workshop over the Car Porch.
The bar joists that will support the living roof have arrived.

No longer Taco Bell.....................

Thanks to tropical plants donated by our future neighbors Bill & Gwen, we're now tropical. So it looks like we're building a Tommy Bahamas.

Below is an arbor we just transplanted from home. Instant gratification!

Monday, September 8, 2008

There's a new Taco Bell in town...................

Blockwork is done for the "car porch" openings.
Next the block cells are filled with concrete.

Then the wood forms can be removed.

The opposite side of the study wall will be covered with earth & plants, so desktop height seems level with the greenery. This view is from the kitchen.